Tons of food and bad hair day. That’s what I would describe my trip to London as. I found some pictures on my camera and Iphone that I haven’t shown you guys yet.
1. Me sitting outside of Nandos (restaurant), a must place to go if your in London. So nice chicken food and refill sodas for 2 £.
2. A little photo shoot of my Starbucks tee in Copenhagen Airport.//3. Bad hair day- Tried something new which didn’t go so successful. So it ended up with this cap. That is why there weren’t a outfit post that day, sorry.
4 & 5 – Delicious brunch at a castle with my sister and nephew after a 2½ hours walk in the country field, in loafers. So my feet was literally sore.. It has never been the same after that lol..
6 – The longest bus drive ever ( 3½ hours), from London Standsted Airport to Northampton//7- My sister and nephew in the countryside on our way home after a delicious brunch and long walk.
8 – Me shooting some outfit photos in Essex.//9. Some of the food from Nandos.
Au Revoir, peepz!