School Photo 2013

Just as I had predicted my pictures will look like! Big apple cheeks, exaggerated fake smile and a shiny freaking face. At least there was one good picture of me smiling. The first and last photo of me smiling, you guys are going to see of me. Except if I’m going to be the face…

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Outfit Of The Day – Black With A Hint Of Grey

Today I wore my black fur, it’s nice to finally to be able to wear fur. Even though I’m going to miss the warm days wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Now it’s back to black tight jeans and trousers. I combined my fur vest with my black top wit sheer arms, grey trousers and my…

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The last couple of days have been really cold! Summer is officially over, which gives a good reason to start wearing  my fur vest. As I did today. The rest of the outfit will be up later! Au Revoir, peepz!

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Change Your Life! – Iggy Azalea

I’m dying over here! I have been working on a synopsis all day, that has to be delivered on Thursday 14 o’clock. Which is the reason why there haven’t been any outfit post lately, sorry. I will try to make it tomorrow. I just have to find a new location, which is going to be…

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Outfit Of The Day At Home

Today I’m at home and totally relaxed to the fullest. And there’s just nothing better than this lovely white sweater to wear to this and a pair of sunglasses to feel at least a little bit styled. Right now I’m making another post about my personal life, that will be up one of these days…

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Dr Martens – Fall/Winter Inspiration 2013

I was looking for some shoes for winter and that was when I found these babies. This brand has been in the fashion world for a quite a while. Dr. Martens is the classic boot, that everyone person loves. And they even have them in multiple styles for every taste. I personally love these shoes…

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