I’m calling all shopaholics! and those who can control themselves, like me lmao. I found a new company, that is our new Goood. Lyoness, is a shopping community that works with 40.000 loyal partners. “Getting money back from every purchase” is their motto and by that they mean, after every time you have purchased from one of their partners, you get 2% of your purchase on your lyoness card/account. At some point after using the card for a while your card/account will get over a certain amount and you will be able to withdraw the money, to your bank account. Doesn’t it sound to good be true?! It’s like affiliate programs, except that you are your own client and control how much you make of course.
When I read this for the first time, I did believe it and thought that their shopping stores partners, probably were some unknown brands, with ugly clothes. But they work with some of the big brands and stores like, Topman, Guess, Zalando, Asos, Nelly and many others. So it is really worth it for you who loves shop. You Can Find Their Website Here & Lyoness Charity Here
Au Revoir, peepz!